Buy Now Pay Later News The Rise of Buy Now Pay Later: Insights from Experian’s 2023 Survey

The Rise of Buy Now Pay Later: Insights from Experian’s 2023 Survey

Stages of BNPL purchase

In recent years, the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) phenomenon has revolutionised how consumers approach online shopping, offering a convenient and interest-free alternative to traditional credit. A recent Experian survey conducted in November 2023 offers insightful data into this growing trend.

In recent years, the Buy Now Pay Later (BNPL) phenomenon has revolutionised how consumers approach online shopping, offering a convenient and interest-free alternative to traditional credit. A recent Experian survey conducted in November 2023 offers insightful data into this growing trend.

Key Findings from the Experian 2023 BNPL Survey

• Growing Popularity: The survey, which involved 1,012 consumers, revealed that BNPL plans have become a significant part of consumer spending habits. The rise in popularity is reflected in the increased usage of BNPL during the 2023 holiday shopping season.
• Consumer Motivation: Consumers are drawn to BNPL options primarily for their ability to manage spending more effectively. The allure of convenience and the avoidance of interest charges also contribute significantly to their popularity.
• Holiday Shopping Trends: Approximately 20% of consumers planned to use BNPL for their holiday shopping in 2023. This marks a notable shift in consumer preference towards flexible payment options during high-spending periods.
• Demographic Insights: The adoption of BNPL is not limited to a specific demographic. While younger consumers (ages 25 to 34) show the highest adoption rates, older consumers are also increasingly embracing this payment method.
• Cyber Monday Spending: A significant portion of Cyber Monday shopping in 2023 was done through BNPL plans, demonstrating the method’s integration into major retail events.

The Implications of BNPL’s Surge

• Shifting Financial Landscape: BNPL’s rise is indicative of a broader shift in consumer finance, where flexibility and immediacy are highly valued. This trend could reshape how retailers and financial institutions approach consumer credit.
• Consumer Spending Habits: With the ease of BNPL plans, there is a possibility of consumers increasing their overall spending. The interest-free nature of BNPL can make it a more attractive option compared to credit cards, potentially leading to more responsible financial behaviour if managed correctly.
• Financial Inclusion: BNPL can be a gateway to financial services for those who have limited access to traditional credit. By offering a more accessible option, BNPL could play a role in financial inclusion.
• Retail Strategies: Retailers might need to adjust their strategies to accommodate the growing preference for BNPL. This could include partnerships with BNPL providers and integrating BNPL options seamlessly into online checkout processes.

Looking Ahead: The Future of BNPL

The Experian survey’s findings point towards a future where BNPL is not just a niche offering but a mainstream payment option. As the market grows, it will be crucial for both consumers and retailers to navigate the benefits and challenges of BNPL responsibly. It’s also likely that regulatory frameworks around BNPL will evolve as its usage becomes more widespread.


Buy Now Pay Later schemes are more than just a passing trend; they represent a shift in consumer finance, reshaping how purchases are planned and executed. As we move further into the digital age, understanding the implications of such payment options will be crucial for consumers, retailers, and financial institutions alike.

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